I am a thinker.

I tend to think and overthink things.

I am a sucker for the knots and bolts of any story, opportunity, situation, gesture or compliment.

I think, think and think some more, until my thoughts weaponize, and I question and convincingly talk myself out of anything good. 

That is:

Anything that requires more of me, or 

Questions my status quo.

Highlights my strengths,

Sets my soul on fire,

Produces life.

I think in 3D, and I see everything in living colour as the scenes play out in my head. The actors bring realism as they give Oscar worthy performances, acting out all my worst case scenarios. At the end of the credit roll, the bomb that had been ticking from jump, explodes. Shattering all hope as my self confidence is blown to smithereens. At this point, I am at ground zero, swallowed up in black smoke, rubbles and lifelessness.

Thoughts are powerful.

They are the weeds and flowers that grow together in the garden of your mind. The weeds compete for water, nutrients and sunlight, starving the flowers that are meant to beautify. The weeds also produce abnormalities in your thoughts that do a fine job of contradicting God’s word, for I know the plans and thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and well-being and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope |Jeremiah 29:11, NKJV|.

It is an expensive mistake to let weeds roam wildly, even more so to misidentify a weed for a type of flower, for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he in behaviour |Proverbs 23:7, AMP|. There is something so absolute about this verse, like there are no in betweens, and nothing to cushion the effects of your negative, abnormal or perverse thoughts. It is a perfect example of… it is what it is.

Our thought life requires intentionality. You cannot think you are unworthy and yet be worthy. You cannot think lack and yet live in abundance. You cannot think ugly and yet see beauty. We attract what we think, and we see in reality mirror images of our thoughts, with self, people, situations and all else.

My favourite beauty tip: know what God thinks about you, and remind yourself daily until it becomes you. Second nature. Routine. A part of life. 

finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things (centre your mind on them, and implant them in your heart) |Philippians 4:8, AMP|.

As for me, I say daily:

I think good thoughts

I think godly thoughts

I think thoughts of gratitude

 to be continued.

Happy monYAY 💕




  1. Yes to that verse in the book of Phillipians. There’s a constant battle in the mind… Good or not so good thoughts. Our minds can be trained to focus on the positive, on God’s love and all the beauty in and around us than what’s not present.

    Beautifully written, as always Michelle.


  2. “It is an expensive mistake to let weeds roam wildly, even more so to misidentify a weed for a type of flower” –> this right here! Mistaking weeds for flowers… cultivating them, allowing them to germinate and produce seeds in our lives. Great message!

    Liked by 1 person

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